Friday, November 14, 2008

There and Back Again.

"I should like to spend the whole of my in life traveling abroad, if I could anywhere borrow another life to spend afterwards at home." — William Hazlitt

"A nomad I will remain for life, in love with distant and uncharted places."
-Isabelle Eberhardt

I'm well into my first semester as a graduate student at the Center for Public Policy and Administration at UMass, Amherst. Although I'm very much enjoying my studies I am also missing traveling very much. I'm generally trying to plan my future career plans around the possibility of continued travel.

I hope to use this blog on occasion to document short trips abroad that are in the works.

Top of the List for future adventure travels:
3)Trans-Siberian Railroad

Adventure traveling may have to wait unfortunately while I focus on career-oriented traveling.

As a final note- I would HIGHLY recommend traveling alone to all considering it. I discovered so much about myself, my own abilities, and my own general awesomeness. The four months I spent traveling solo were the best of my life.

"Dream big, and dare to fail."
~ Norman Vaughan ~